Tuesday, December 27, 2011

6 days old!

Happy Thanksgivng

Besides the usually things to be grateful for, like my family, my kids, my husband, my new baby, I am most grateful for my sister having low sitting babies (like my Cooper), so that I could wear her tummy band after Cooper was born and my lower muscles hurt so bad I could barely walk without it. Thank you JoEllen!
We celebrated Thanksgiving at Derek's dad's house.  I didnt have to do anything!
Here is Ashlynn and Derek.  I LOVE this pictures

 Raymond is big on feathers, not bunny ears......not sure where  he learned that!

Coming home

When I got to the recovery floor (at 4:30am on the 22nd) the nurse told me that they keep people for 2 days!  What!? 2 days?  I asked if I had to stay that long, if not I would rather not.  I dont like sitting around much.  And I get more sleep when I am at home and people arent coming in my room all the time.  She said as long as the Dr cleared both of us we could go after 24 hours.  SWEET!  Done.
So at 11 am on the 23 we went home.
I love this picture. He is so sweet
The day before when the kids were leaving, Ashlynn said "mom you get dressed.  You come home now".  Today she was so very happy that that was exactly what I was doing.
 Raymond and Kayann were at school so Kaylee and Ashlynn were there helping me
I like to do a mini "photo shoot" once everyone is dressed and ready to go

The girls love having him home.


After Derek slept for as long as he could with nurses and doctors coming in and out (at one point he asked if we could lock the door ha), he went home, fed the kids lunch and than brought them to meet Cooper.
The girls absolutely loved him!

 Raymond did too.......I was worried because just a few months early he wanted nothing to do with my new nephew.  But as you can see, no need to worry
Of course being the crazy organized person I am, I had snacks and what not for the kids.  They stayed for 3 hours!
 We watched a couple movies on TV while grandma and grandpa visited with Cooper.
Im missing a picture of Chris and Doris.  They are Derek's grandparents.  They come from Idaho for the holidays.  They got here a couple days before Cooper was born.

My friend Whitney was so great!  Not only did she come to the hospital to see Cooper and me.  She brought a gift for all the kids.  It helped so much with them staying for 3 hours
My brother Joe works in the ER in the same hospital.  He stopped by on his way to school.  He knows how much Derek likes the Vikings so he thought he would teach Cooper right.
 Cari came by when she got done with work.  She just loved the little guy.......

 My sister brought her boys by after supper.  Nicky LOVED little Cooper.  He kept asking to hold him.  Sal on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him.  Funny boys
 I think in this picture JoEllen and Cooper look similar.  Maybe it is the nose
Cooper's last vistors were my mom and Kobe.  They came the next morning at 7 am! Kobe loves being an uncle.  He is really good at it too.  He loves to play with the little kids.  
So many people are so excited that Cooper is here.  It was nice of them to come visit!

Friday, December 09, 2011

He made it!

After my doctor's appointment I headed home.  I was a little crampy but not much (remember, contractions every 10 mins for the last 2 days, a little crampy didn't alarm me.).  After getting the kids situated I made supper.  Still feeling crampy,  I did our normal routine.  I did dishes, read with the kids and got them ready for bed.  The only difference was while reading with the kids my little cramps turned into big cramps, like contractions.  YAY! I didnt get my hopes up (remember, contractions every 10 mins for the last 2 days) But than all of the sudden, while getting the girls ready for bed, it happened!  Full blown real contractions, 5 minutes a part!  I got the younger girls in bed, and had Raymond and Kayann get ready for bed. It was now almost 8:00pm.  I warned Raymond and Kayann that Grandma Debra and Grandpa would be here in the morning and that they would have a new brother to see.
I decided I needed to relax before the big event.  So I sat on the couch and did some puzzles on my phone.  Derek called his dad and Debra. By 9:30 Debra was freaking out, telling me I needed to get going to the hospital. By 9:45 my mom was telling me the same thing.  I wanted to get some things done before I left.  I got the turkey out of the freezer (thanksgiving was only days away), gathered some vegetables and potatoes for Debra to take home, made Derek a pot of coffee, and I showered.  That's right while in full blown labor I SHOWERED!  We finally left the house at 10:30, just in time too.  My contractions were right on top of each other!
We arrived at the hospital at 11 pm.  I headed to my room.  Did my vitals, triage and check in.
Here I am at check in:

 While they triaged me they found out our little guy's heart rate dropped with every contraction.  They assumed it was because his head was so low.  Because of this I had to keep his monitor on my WHOLE labor!  I have a strong dislike for those things but for the baby.......ok
My nurse was super great.  She asked about a birth plan.  UM.....my plan, push out my baby, go home.  She asked for any special request. There was 3.  Unmedicated delivery, delayed cord clamping, and skin to skin.  Simple and to the point, right?  She got me a "travel" monitor and let me free to walk.  She said to stop by the nurses station if I felt like anything had changed.  Just what I wanted.  Very low key, uninterrupted laboring, with my mom and Derek.  It was now 12:00 am!
We hit the halls.  I took almost a hour to make 1 lap around labor and delivery!  When I got back to my room I was almost 8 cm!  My nurse called the doctor to break my water.  By the time he got there I may have been groaning (or yelling) with each contraction.  I told him I was sorry about that. The doctor was great!  He broke my water around 1:30 am, and said he would wait in the hall because it wouldnt be too much longer.  It wasnt.  By 1:55 am I was ready to go!  Our little guy made it here at 2:06 am!
When he was born they found out his heat rate was dropping because his cord was wrapped around his neck!
Here is my mom checking him out:
This was right after he was born, before he was cleaned up.
The totally labor time: from 7:30 pm (when they were 5 minutes apart) to 2:06 am.  That is only 6 1/2 hours!
We didnt tell anyone his name.  Derek wanted to save it until he was born.  So once he was born we told my mom his name was COOPER STEELE.
Cooper was very healthy!  He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and measured 21 inches!  He is my biggest baby

Derek and his little boy!

Grandma and Cooper

Some of you may remember that Derek was TOTALLY freaked during my natural labor with Ashlynn.  He blames the time, but we all know the truth :)  I am pleased to say he did wonderfully this time around.  He was very supportive and helped a lot.  My mom is amazing at keeping me focused and calm.  I am so glad that she was willing to be there.

Welcome to our family Mr. Cooper!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Is today the day?

Today I went to the dr, at 39 1/2 weeks I am dilated to 3.5 cm and 90% effaced!  We decided to strip my membranes one last time.  If that doesnt work, than I am scheduled to have my water broken on Monday the 28.  That would make me OVERDUE!

Everyone, including my dr, thought I would have a baby by now.  This little boy has different plans.  I still cant wait to hold him though!

Almost time

On thursday, the 17th I was 39 weeks.  I went to the dr the next day.  That puts me the closest to my due date I have ever been!

At my appointment, my measurements, weight, fetal heart rate and movement were all fine.

I am now at 3 cm and 80% effaced.  The talk came up about breaking my water next monday if I didn't go in on my own.  With my membranes striped, and a decision to make I went home.

Now the big debate.........Should I have my water broken on Monday, make a few laps around the hospital and be done?  Why would I do this?
1. So I could be home from the hospital by Thanksgiving
2. Because I have been having contractions every 10 mins for 2 days
3. Than my dr would be able to delivery (he is going out of town for the Thanksgiving)
4.  To get it done with.

Now, as good of reasons as those are they are for my connivence.   I am not over due.  There is nothing wrong with the baby or me.  So I decided to wait.  No breaking water on monday

38 weeks

38 weeks.....what can I say.........PLEASE let the next couple of weeks or days go by smoothly and quickly.......Thats all.

At my check up I had put on 4 lbs in one week!  Yes you read that right, 4.  The doctor just laughed.  I am now dilated to a 2.5 and 75% effaced.  I sure am getting there.

We are working on the last little things around the house, finishing up homework (even though it is harder, and harder to focus on), working on birth announcements, and getting ready for our little guy to make his entrance into the world

Monday, November 14, 2011


A friend of mine, Chelsie, recently braved the cold (when I say cold, I mean it snowed as we were leaving) to take my maternity pictures at Wheeler Farm.  I LOVE how they turned out.  To not bore you (and they take forever to upload) I only selected a few to share.  In these pictures I am 37 1/2 weeks.

I love the path and the trees......

This is one of my favorites........

I love my shadow on the door

O and this one......

Sweet dad!

Ok so I really do love them all.  They turned out better than I hoped!  A big thanks to Ms. Chelsie, at Chelsie photography!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Time to rest

Happy Halloween

This year the kids celebrated halloween on  friday at school.  Friday is a short day which makes it easier for parties and such.

We headed to the school to watch the parade.   Miss Ashlynn loves to have her picture taken, so why not while we wait?

This was Kayann's very first holiday at school.  She was so excited to be in the parade!  She made a pretty cute giraffe!

Here is Raymond as Captain Rex from Star Wars...........we wouldnt expect any different from him!

Here is our family all dressed up! Raymond: Captain Rex, Kayann: Giraffe, Ashlynn: Minnie Mouse (Kaylee was with her mom)

Derek and I were good and evil.........

I'm pretty sure when you are pregnant, that means you get to wear a bedsheet for a halloween costume.  Remember Halloween 2008?  I was pregnant with Ashlynn and wearing a pink toga, made from a bedsheet.

My mom and Kobe

My sister put together a party for the kids.  We painted pumpkins, made lanterns and ate spooky food before trick or treating.  I didnt get many pictures I was supervising......who wants to let a 2 1/2 year old paint by themselves!  Not me!


We had so much fun trick or treating.  Ashlynn is already talking about next year!